Dr. med. Ewald Proll :: Arzt für Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie

Artikel mit Tag krankheitskarte


"Primary care is dying in this country, largely because the the government which sets both the amount that doctors are reimbursed for their time as well as pattern by which private insurance reimburses, has decided that cognitive skills are less valuable than throwing a lot of procedures at the patient."
Panda Bear, MD (31.12.2007)
"Bürokratischer Irrsinn ist der einzige Jobmotor, den wir in Deutschland noch haben."
(Timo Rieg, Journalist)
"Mehr Druck auf Millionen Arbeitslose ist angesichts der viel kleineren Zahl an Jobs auch rein ökonomisch betrachtet so sinnvoll wie der Glaube, beim Gesellschaftsspiel „Reise nach Jerusalem“ würde schließlich jeder einen Sitzplatz finden, wenn nur alle schneller um die Stühle rennen."
Nachdenkseiten 25.8.2008
"When the government and insurers have effectively rationed the medical care you receive, and have forced you to pay out of your pocket to receive timely care, are you getting a rebate on your premiums or on the taxes you pay? Hell, no. You still keep paying the same huge premiums and the same 15% out of your paycheck, but you have fewer and fewer doctors to choose from and you have to wait longer and longer for care."
White Coat 26.11.2008
"As people who are disconnected from the cost spend more and more, suddenly there has to be cuts. Since it is not your money, the people whose money it is (Government) will then decide on how its spent and will have to limit it."
Throckmorton 6.5.2009


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