Dr. med. Ewald Proll :: Arzt für Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie

Artikel mit Tag krankheitskarte


"Primary care is dying in this country, largely because the the government which sets both the amount that doctors are reimbursed for their time as well as pattern by which private insurance reimburses, has decided that cognitive skills are less valuable than throwing a lot of procedures at the patient."
Panda Bear, MD (31.12.2007)
"Für Monster haben wir die Psychiatrie. Monster werden an Füßen und Armen festgeschnallt."
F.J. Wagner (angeblich Journalist) 26.3.2008
"In truth, the physician reimbursement system is not meant to be understood by mortal man. And that’s the point. It turns out that this incomprehensible physician reimbursement system was set on its current path by one simple desire: to force doctors to covertly ration healthcare."
DrRich (The Covert Rationing Blog) 3.7.2008
"Das Ministerium muss das Kommando übernehmen."
L. Hansen (KV-Funktionär) 5.11.2009
"Brüderle «wies erläuternd darauf hin, dass angesichts der bevorstehenden Landtagswahlen Druck auf der Politik laste und die Entscheidungen daher nicht immer rational seien»."
Rainer Brüderle 14.3.2011


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